Today the Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies commemorates the death
of President Salvador Allende of Chile who on this day in 1973 was murdered
during a brutal US-backed coup d’etat by General Augusto Pinochet.
Allende, who belonged to the Socialist Party of Chile, was democratically elected to lead the
Chilean people in October 1970. Under President Allende, quality of life for the
Chilean working class was drastically improving. The Socialist Popular Unity
government under Allende’s leadership increased wages, built housing for
hundreds of thousands, nationalized the copper mines, and much more.Though he
was only in office for three years until his death in 1973, Salvador Allende will
always be remembered for his massive achievements.
President Allende was and always will be a hero of the people.
¡Salvador Allende presente!