
July 16th– Desegregation of Baseball and the Popular Front

The Comintern of 1935 tasked all Communists to become the patriots of their countries against fascism. We will focus on the campaign led by the Daily Worker journalist Lester Rodney, under the leadership of the Party to make “Communism 20th century Americanism,” by writing in the press, creating YCL-led picketing, and collecting petitions to integrate

July 16th– Desegregation of Baseball and the Popular Front Read More »

PSMLS 2022 Classes have been re-uploaded on the original PSMLS YouTube channel

All of the PSMLS classes and narrations from September 2022 to December 2022 that were uploaded to the channel we created after wreckers stole the original PSMLS channel from us have been re-uploaded to the original PSMLS channel. In case you missed our statement on regaining control of the old channel, here is the statement

PSMLS 2022 Classes have been re-uploaded on the original PSMLS YouTube channel Read More »